Thursday, December 22, 2011

Schools have not been wrong to teach as they have. The way the school system works helps many to become social and learn how to deal with people they dislike and the drama that may come with it, so along with a good learning experience, they are getting talents and figuring out ways to deal with things that are outside of ones control. I do agree that having an Ipad for students more advanced would be a pleasant thing. Students could learn the necessary at their own pace and not have to worry bout distractions or anything of the sort. As stated before though, once they get out of school and are done with the classes that are needed for the application they wanted, they wont have the ability to deal with people for they have not ever had to deal with so. With any job comes the risks of complications with employees, if one had never dealt with this before, they may not understand how to respectfully deal with the situation in a non hostile way. This can become a threat to the job that they have. Schools could be improved, but with the perks that come along with the system such as social skills, it wouldn't be an absolute benefit to “flip the classroom”.

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